VP Jallow Opens 2024 Legal Year

By Mahzouba Maya Faal

The Vice President of The Gambia, Mohammed B.S Jallow, on Sunday, January 21st officially inaugurated the 2024 Legal Year. The ceremony was attended by key legal figures and dignitaries.

 Acting on behalf of President Adama Barrow, Vice President Jallow marked the occasion with a speech highlighting pivotal legislative strides and international collaborations shaping the nation’s legal landscape.

Noteworthy enactments include the Victims Reparations Act, Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act, Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, Labour Act, and Anti-Corruption Act, addressing issues from victim reparations to anti-corruption measures.

Emphasizing the government’s commitment to accountability, regardless of location, Vice President Jallow cited the recent sentencing of Bai Lowe by a German Court. He unveiled upcoming bills such as the Special Prosecutors Office Bill (SPO) and the Special Accountability Bill, alongside plans for a hybrid court to address crimes against humanity within Gambian borders.

The Vice President also highlighted international collaborations in pursuing justice for Gambian nationals abroad, citing trials in the United States and Switzerland. He expressed gratitude for the support received, and reiterated The Gambia’s active role in the International Court of Justice, particularly in cases against Israel regarding Palestine and Myanmar for acts of genocide against the Rohingya.

In conclusion, Vice President Jallow called for unity among citizens to forge a brighter future for The Gambia.

The celebration of the legal year will extend over the next six days, featuring events such as a call to the bar ceremony, evaluation of the training of district tribunal chiefs, cybercrime and electronic evidence workshops, and training sessions for magistrates on case management in criminal cases, among others.