Tourism Sector Braces up for Janjangbureh Bicentenary Anniversary Celebrations

By Sainabou Sambou


The Ministry of Tourism and Culture in collaboration with its satellite institutions and other stakeholders will jointly commemorate the 200 (bicentenary) anniversary of the liberated slaves of Janjanbureh from 4th January to 7th January 2024 at Janjanbureh, Central River region. The theme for the event is ‘‘Celebrating Homecoming and Gambian Heritage’’.

During a press conference held on 7th  December 2023 at The Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute, the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Hon Hamat N.K. Bah said the event is an opportune moment for the people of The Gambia to celebrate culture, history and heritage.

He informed that a committee was inaugurated one year ago and they have been working hard to make sure that they get a successful anniversary.

Hon Bah said invitations have been sent to couple of heads of state some of whom responded positively, as well as some international organisations.

On the activities of the event, he revealed that  there will be a symposium by international renowned personalities and some of whom, have confirmed their participation. “There will also be a Senegambia trade fair which of course will help our business communities to showcase their products. There will be fanfair and night activities”. The event, he added, will give every Gambian to display their cultural talent.

‘‘We have decided to invite our neighboring countries, their national theater groups and their national troops,’’ he said.

Fatou Mass Jobe, Vice Chair of the Organising Committee, recalled that the President presided over a fundraising breakfast meeting on the 31st October 2023 at the Bakadji Hotel and the purpose was to have discussions with business communities with the hope that they will generously complement the government’s efforts by way of donating towards this historic event.

“As of now, we have raised 9.9 million Dalasis from all those that attended the breakfast meeting and we have written to more partners, both national and international soliciting their support,” she said.