Minister Tangara Holds Talks with Visiting Chinese Delegation over FOCAC

A delegation from the People’s Republic of China led by Ambassador WU PENG, Director General of the Department of African Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week visited The Gambia from 22nd to 24th January 2024 to hold bilateral discussions on the Forum for China – Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad Dr. Mamadou Tangara on January 23rd received Ambassador Wu Peng and delegation at his office, where the two officials discussed areas of cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of The Gambia – particularly within the framework of FOCAC, while also exploring opportunities for programme scale-up and/ or freeing-up of bottlenecks that hinder progress.

Reflecting on the nine programme areas put forward by His Excellency President Xi Jinping to guide Africa – China relations, the two officials noted that at the heart of these programmes lies the everlasting spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation; sincere friendship and equality; win-win cooperation for mutual benefit and common development; fairness and justice; and progress with the times and openness and inclusiveness. China’s contributions to The Gambia’s human capacity, green development, digitalisation and innovation, trade and investment, as well as health care delivery, was acknowledged by Dr. Tangara on behalf of a grateful nation.

Similarly, H.E Mamadou Tangara expressed his appreciation for the visit, considering it is timely as it gives The Gambia a better opportunity to prepare as a country for the upcoming 2024 FOCAC.

He further reiterated that the Republic of The Gambia has always recognised China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and is committed to the one-China Principle.

 Dr. Tangara took the opportunity to reaffirm MOFA’s commitment to facilitating the development agenda of His Excellency President Adama Barrow through reinforced bilateral cooperation with China.


Story originally a press release from MoFA