MCA Presents Report on NAWEC Water and Power Separation Study

By Anna Marie Valentine


The Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Account - The Gambia, Mr Saffie Dambelleh, has presented the “Report on findings and recommendations of the NAWEC water and power separation study” to Hon. Nani Juwara, Minister of Petroleum and Energy. This study, under the Millennium Challenge threshold programme, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), was conducted by the GFA Consulting Group. The Government of The Gambia and the Millennium Challenge Corporation signed a threshold programme grant agreement to implement power sector governance reforms and operational improvements in the power sector.

These reforms aim to address the primary binding constraint to economic growth in the country. To meet this need, GFA Consulting Group was appointed as the power sector threshold programme support contractor to implement the programme. The separation of NAWEC’s water and power is a commitment under the 2015-2020 Energy Policy and the National Development Plan. The Government has requested that the contractor undertakes this very crucial study.

The separation study examined the costs and benefits of different separation options with the aim to assist the government in making a uniform separation implementation decision. The Hon. Minister expressed Government’s commitment to providing water and electricity to all Gambians as demonstrated by the numerous projects on electricity and water. He also commended MCA’s commitment to helping to improve the country’s power and water business and GFA for the excellent initiative and commitment it showed during the conduct of the training.

“This has been in the long time coming. The study needed to be done to see if it was truly possible to separate these two entities,” he said. He acknowledged that the provision of the services have been challenging but that management has always been looking for solutions to meet the expectations of the Gambian people. Minister Juwara went on: “There are still parts of the country where people lack water and electricity. The Government is committed to making sure that this essential service is available to all Gambians regardless of location. While we know it wouldn’t be easy, we are confident that with teamwork and participation from all parties involved this initiative will lead to success”.