Lands Ministry Works out New Strategic Plan

By Amie Choi

The Ministry of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs is on the verge of formulating a four-year strategic plan after the former plan exceeds its validity.  The main objective of this plan is to align the new ministry’s vision to the new National Development Plan, as well as guide the Ministry in identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in its quest to attain its goals.

 Mr. Sana Darboe, the Chief Executive Officer of SMD Policy Management Group and consultant for the strategic plan development, said  the process will includes gathering and reviewing all the relevant documents such as the old strategic plans, as well as training of relevant staff, and getting feedback after the first draft to make sure that all the gaps are covered.

Mr. Darboe also emphasised the need to maximize the involvement of the Ministry’s staff throughout this process. “The involvement of the ministry’s staff will create a sense of ownership, ensure effective collaboration and enable them to measure results,” he stated.  

As part of the development processes, some staff at the ministry recently underwent a one-week intensive training at SMD Public Policy Management.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary (Admin and Finance) at the Ministry, Mr. Momodou Taal noted that the development of the new strategic plan is part of the ministry’s commitment to its strengthening and repositioning, to ensure that its mandate is fulfilled.

Fatou Gibba, Director of the Department of Community Development under the Ministry, highlighted the importance of having this strategic plan, noting that the strategic plan will help them be more proactive.

The establishment of the new strategic plan is part of the ministry’s institutional strengthening for quality service delivery to the Gambians and to make sure that it works in conformity with the new Green Recovery Focused National Development Plan.