WHO Boosts Gambia’s Preparedness Against COVID-19

Officials of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Gambia country office have recently presented personal protective equipment to the Ministry of Health at a ceremony held at the Ministry’s complex in Banjul.
Among the items donated are thermometers, face shield, safety box, examination glove and gowns, surgical masks, and goggle.

Dr Desta.A. TIRUNEH, WHO country representative in The Gambia lamented that Coronavirus is a great concern to the world, as cases are registered in countries on daily basis. However, he pointed out that while cases have been reported in Africa, there has been no locally acquired case yet. 

The personal protective equipment he said are meant to boost Gambia’s preparedness against the COVID 19 pandemic.

The WHO Rep. strongly assured The Gambia of the world's health body's continuous support to Gambia in order to prevent the virus from getting into the country.

Dr Ahmadou Lamin Samateh, Gambian Minister of Health, described the donation as timely, assuring that The Gambia will enhance its prevention and preparedness efforts at all levels.
He also assured WHO that the Government through the Ministry of Health is doing all it can to ensure the public get accurate and factual information about the Virus.
He then advised the public to always wash their hands with soap and water, as well as use hand sanitisers.

By Momodou Faal 
Information Officer
Ministry of Health