President Barrow Presents Posthumous Award to Family of Late WHO Africa Director

By Lamin Kujabi



His Excellency President Adama Barrow last week presented an award to the family of former WHO Director for Africa region, Dr. Malick Samba, at the State House in Banjul.

The President said despite his demise many years ago, Dr. Malick Samba’s legacy is still here “and it reminds us of the work he has done for the people in the world”. He added that Gambians are proud of Dr. Malick Samba for his contribution to saving lives of people through providing health services.

He recalled that whenever Dr. Malick Samba came to The Gambia, he would visit his former school, Muslim Senior Secondary School and will address the students and advise them as well.

President Barrow congratulated Dr. Samba and Gambian people for receiving this award from the Vice President and President of Botswana for the good work Dr. Malick Samba had done there as a WHO Regional Director for Africa.

Honorable Ahmed Lamin Samateh, Minister of Health and Social Welfare described Dr. Malick Samba as a Gambian icon who worked and sacrificed for The Gambia and for WHO and the entire world for good health of the people.

Dr.Desta Tiruneh, WHO Country Representative in The Gambia also described Dr. Malick Samba as an icon for The Gambia, Africa and the world ‘‘because he had made significant improvement and achievement in the health sector in Africa and the world’’.

Ebou Samba, son of late Dr. Malick Samba received the award on behalf of his family. He expressed appreciation and gratitude to the President of The Gambia for awarding his late father for the work he had done for the country, Africa and the world.