Outgoing Mauritanian Ambassador Says Leaving Behind Strengthened Ties

By Lamin Kujabi


The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to The Gambia, His Excellency Sidi Muhammed Ould Muhammed Mahmoud, has come to the end of his term in The Gambia and was at State House on Friday, September 15th to bid formally bid President Adama Barrow farewell.

He spoke to the press before leaving the State House premises right after his meeting with the Gambian leader, in which he affirmed that it is the end of duties in The Gambia as ambassador of the Islamic Republic.

He expressed gratitude to have met the President of The Gambia, and thanked him for his support “to my work and duty during my tenure as ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in The Gambia”.

The outgoing Ambassador Ould Muhammed also hailed the entire population of The Gambia for “their support, and reception accorded to me during my stay in The Gambia, and for the excellent relations that exist between The Gambia and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. “The relationship between the two countries has been strengthened and improved,” he said, adding that it has been fruitful.