New WFP Country Director Assures Commitment to Gambia’s Food Security

By Sarjo M. Camara


The new World Food Programme (WFP) Country Director to The Gambia, Ms. Miranda Sende has reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to continue their support to the country’s social protection and disaster risk management programmes as well as a homegrown school feeding programme, which is their flagship programme in The Gambia.

Ms Miranda Sende was speaking to the press after meeting Vice President Mohammed Jallow, the new WFP Country Director said her discussion with the Vice President having been newly designated to The Gambia.

“Having arrived in the country two weeks ago, I wanted to have the courtesy visit with the Vice President to emphasise that WFP will continue to work hand in hand with the Government of the Gambia to provide food security to the Gambian people,” she affirmed.

The WFP boss noted that her office would also look at how to work with the smallholder farmers and make the linkages to the school meal programme, in order to improve the value chain, and create outlets for them to be able to sell their products.

Vice President Jallow thanked the new World Food Programme Country Director for reaching out to him at his office. He acknowledged that the WFP has been a traditional supporter to the development agenda of the Government of The Gambia.

Madam Sende was accompanied to the Vice President’s office by Anta Kah-Janneh.  The meeting was chaired by Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Office of the Vice President, Mr Ousman Ceesay.