Hydrological System Worth Over US$26M Installed in Bansang

By Lamin Kujabi

The Gambia’s Hydrological Headquarters in Bansang has been completed. The complex is worth over 26 million Dollars is meant to provide early warning on issues of climate change and other. It comprises senior and young staff quarters, offices, conference hall, and generator house.

Inaugurating the UNDP-funded magnificent complex on March 4th President Adama Barrow said climate change is a challenge that The Gambia is facing. Therefore, he pointed out, the office needs highly qualified staff who can collect, analyse data and disseminate information to necessary stakeholders for use. “It will also be able to advise institutions about issues of water and others”.
Also speaking at the ceremony, James Gomez, Minister of Fishery, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters intimated that the government of the Gambia has secured from China, over 40 Million Dollar meant for providing clean drinking water for the people of the country, as well as sum of 16 million dollars from Japan for water boreholes.  

Isata Da UN, Resident representative in The Gambia thanked the government for implementing this project and promised UN’s continued to support and engagement with government. 
For Abba Sanyang, Governor of Central River Region the hydrological system in Bansang will benefit students of Basse college in terms of research; rather than to travel to Kombo to get information about rain and other climate activities in the country. “This hydrological office will serve URR, CRR and other parts of the country,” he said and concluded emphasizing that climate change is real and largely caused by human activities.

Lamin Koto rally

Having inaugurated the Bansang Hydrological system, the President on the same date proceeded to hold a political rally in Laminkoto village, where he promised more developments under the NPP leadership.
Various speakers in positions of authority took turns to address the challenges highlighted by the natives of Laminkoto and surrounding; such as water, farm equipment and inputs and ID card acquisition.
The representatives of the people of the area who spoke affirm allegiance and loyalty to the President and his government.