Gov’t Authorities Asked to Allocate Extra Allowances to Civil Servants Posted in Regions

By: Lamin B. Darboe

Some heads of government institutions in the Central and Upper River Regions have called on the authorities concerned, through Public Service Commission (PSC) to increase or allocate extra-allowance to the civil servants on posting in the two regions.
This call came last week during the meeting held at both regions’ Governors’ offices, where heads of regional government institutions presented their recommendations to PMO and PSC.
“This will serve as a motivation to civil servants who are willing to take up posting in the farthest regions of the country. It will also encourage other civil servants take up posting in these two regions,” heads of institutions explained.
They recommended that Government vehicles that are currently grounded in their regions be repaired to make them functional. They also called on PMO and PSC to post procurement and Information Officers in their regions.
Also part of their recommendations are digitalisation of records, noting that record officers have been operating manually for years, posing more danger to their work as important documents can be missing, burnt or damaged. 
Chief of Upper Saloum District, Demba Ceesay on behalf of his colleagues in both regions appealed to Government to help them with mobility to enhance their work in their respective jurisdictions.
Commissioner Mr. Kanye K. Touray; Secretary to PSC, Mr. Abdoulie Jafuneh; and Director, Management Service Division at PMO, Mr. Momodou Bah, all recognised the important role traditional authorities play in national development.
They assured Upper Saloum District chief, Demba Ceesay and other chiefs in other regions who made similar appeal that Government would do its best to motivate them.