EU Ambassador Pampaloni Says Good Bye

By Lamin Kujabi

His Excellency President Adama Barrow on Thursday, 22nd August 2024, bade farewell to the European Union Ambassador to The Gambia, Corrado Pampaloni. The Ambassador has come to the end of his tenure after serving in The Gambia for four years.
Speaking to journalists after he had said goodbye to the President, Mr. Pampaloni explained that aside coming to bid farewell to the President, he also thanked him for the good cooperation they had. 
He emphasised that the legacy that they created together is strong and expressed hope that it will be stronger in the future.
He revealed that his discussion with the President bordered on the support the European Union gives to The Gambia to achieve full transition into a democratic country. 
On progress made, Mr Pampaloni said they have gone far with the Security Sector Reform, the TRRC, and are still supporting the government to create an international tribunal. 
He also highlighted some of the projects the EU supported in partnership with international organisations; such as the UN, UNDP, UNFP and UNICEF. 
‘‘My farewell message to Gambians is to continue consolidating the democratic path. Is not an easy thing but once you achieve it, is also difficult to maintain; democracy is always a debate,’’ he said.
He declared that from the European Union point of view, The Gambia represents the highest investment across the entire continent. “Per capita, we put more money in The Gambia than anywhere because we want a well-developed Gambia,’’ he added.
The outgoing EU Ambassador was accompanied to the State House by the Hon. Minister of Defence, Serign Modou Njie; his Permanent Secretary, and staff from the EU.