YouthConnekt Summit Ends on High Note

By Lamarana S. Jallow


The YouthConnekt Summit Gambia, a youth convergence that brought together more than 300 young people, government, private sector, UN agencies, and partners, last week concluded at a local  hotel in Bijilo.

The 3-day summit that brought together young people from all the regions aimed at connecting Gambian youth for socio-economic transformation. It was co- funded by the Government of The Gambia through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, UNDP, and other partners.

The theme for this year’s summit was ‘Moment for Youth; Action for More Socio-economic Development’.

This year’s summit was characterised by the first-ever ministerial session, parallel sessions on various thematic areas; such as children, ethical leadership, entrepreneurship, sports, climate action, creative industry and entertainment, STEM, migration, peace and security, drug, among others.

In his remarks, Hon. Bakary Y. Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports said YouthConnekt is one of the biggest youth platforms that gives young people the opportunity to discuss and share ideas on issues of national development.

He expressed the Ministry’s commitment to empowering young people ready to contribute to the socio-economic and political development of The Gambia. He commended the United Nations system in the country and other partners for their continuous support of youth development efforts.

Ms. Seraphine Wakana, United Nations Resident Coordinator, said YouthConnekt is a chance to nurture youth by providing key knowledge and skills focusing on employment, technological innovation, gender equality and sustainable development. 

She said when The Gambia joined this transformative movement in 2018, it became a pioneer among African countries.

“Through this stepping stone, we have seen the positive impact of youth engagement, especially in the areas of skill development, entrepreneurship, innovation, gender equality, and leadership,” she stated.

According to her, what sets YouthConnekt apart is its commitment to going beyond the rhetoric of youth development. “We are here to strategise and to act for a peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous Gambia. Young Gambians are not passive beneficiaries; they are active contributors to nation-building.”

Baboucarr Bouy, Minister of Public Affairs on behalf of the Vice President of The Gambia said through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the YouthConnekt Gambia Chapter has been demonstrating outstanding efforts in Jobs, education and skills, civic participation and leadership among others.

“The Gambia government applauds the notion of YouthConnekt in influencing legislation, developing alliances, and consolidating programmes that address the challenges of young Gambians,” he said. 

Mandisa Mashologu, UNDP Resident Coordinator said young people of The Gambia are making the ‘Leaving no one behind’ work with such an undertaking. 

Abdoulie Ceesay, Deputy Majority Leader, National Assembly of The Gambia said as young people, it is essential to build courage and improve what was discussed during the Youthconnekt Summit 3.0.