Youth Minister Badjie Commends GSI Alumni Tree Planting Initiative

By Lamarana S Jallow

Former students of the Gambia Songhai Initiative (GSI),  an Agro-forestry Training Centre of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, organised a tree planting exercise at the training centre in Chamen Village, North Bank Region. The initiative brought together former and current trainees and community members to promote environmental conservation and skill development.
Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Bakary Y. Badjie praised the initiative, emphasising the critical role of youth in building a sustainable future and promoting a greener environment that helps to reduce the climate change challenges The Gambia faces.
The GSI Coordinator, Mr. Mbye Saine highlighted the connection between agriculture, entrepreneurship, and environmental stewardship.
The exercise, which was a collaborative effort to combat climate change and beautify the surroundings, saw the planting of 350 trees of different types donated by the alumni association, reinforcing the commitment to a greener and more sustainable Gambia.