VP Launches TransVie Gambia Social Scheme

By Sarjo M. Camara


The Vice President His Excellency Mohammed B.S Jallow on Saturday, October 7th launched the TransVie Social Scheme at the Sir Dawda Kariaba Jawara International Conference Centre in Bijilo.

The TransVie Scheme is a sub-regional health insurance initiative - a social health mutual that is adapted to the needs of organizations, companies and individuals.

In his remarks, Vice President Jallow made reference to the National Health Insurance Scheme and Government’s broad efforts to transform the health sector. This initiative, he said, is to complement the strides made in the health sector by Government.

The president of Senegalo-Gambia Permanent secretariat, M. Alhagie Ebou Boye informed that TransVie is operating in other countries including Senegal; while thw Director General of TransVie, Abdou Diagne, informed that the organisation has more than 10 products at low costs for people to access them.

The meeting was chaired by Baboucarr Camara, GIEPA’s communication officer.