VP Jallow Makes Important Visits to Sacred Places in Saudia -As he Performs Hajj

By Mahzouba Maya Faal

The Vice President of The Gambia, His Excellency Mohammed B.S. Jallow, has embarked on a sacred journey to perform Hajj, arriving in Madinah on the 4th of June, 2024. He is joined by the Honourable Minister of Public Service, Administrative Reform and Policy Coordination, Mr. Baboucar Bouye, Special Advisers to the President, Hon. Tamsir Ann and Hon. Saihou Mballow, among others.
The delegation’s first destination was Al-Madinah, where they visited several significant sites. At Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s Mosque, the Vice President and his delegation participated in the five daily prayers. They also had the honour of visiting Rawdah Rasool, the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and the graves of his two closest companions, Abu Bakr and Umar bin al-Khattab, to send their Salaams (greetings of peace).
On the 5th of June, the delegation visited Mount Uhud, located in the north of Madinah. The mountain, standing at 3533 ft, is renowned for being the site of the second significant battle between the pagans and the Muslims. The Vice President and his team explored the mountain and the grand mosque in the valley, appreciating its historical and spiritual significance.
The delegation also visited Masjid al-Qiblatayn, known as the ‘Mosque of the Two Qiblas’. This mosque is historically significant as the place where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received the command to change the Qiblah (Direction of Prayer) from Jerusalem to Mecca. The Vice President offered two rakats of prayers at this site.
Another stop was at Masjid Quba, one of the oldest mosques in Islam, built on the outskirts of Madinah around the 7th century, with its first stones laid by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself. The Vice President and his team prayed Asr at this respected mosque.
On June 6th, 2024, the Hajj Commission of The Gambia visited Vice President Jallow in Madinah. The meeting was attended by the Honourable Minister of Public Service, Administrative Reform and Policy, the Deputy Ambassador of The Gambia in Riyadh, and other key officials. Discussions centered on Hajj preparations, addressing challenges, and planning the way forward. The Commissioners informed the Vice President that all intending pilgrims had arrived in Madinah and were en route to Mecca. Vice President Jallow promised to visit the pilgrims, a gesture that was greatly appreciated.
Following the visit from the Hajj Commission, the Vice President of The Gambia and his delegation visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Life of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization in Madinah. They delved into the rich history and life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Located next to the Prophet’s Mosque, this visit was a significant cultural and educational experience.
Next up, the Vice President and his team headed to Mecca to perform Umrah and the Hajj pilgrimage. His visit underlines the deep historical and spiritual ties shared by Muslims around the world and highlights The Gambia’s commitment to ensuring a smooth pilgrimage for its citizens.