Transformation of MDI into Civil Service College on Course -As Committee Presents Report

The Committee tasked to develop a strategic transformation process of the Management Development Institute (MDI) into a Civil Service College, has finally submitted a comprehensive report to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.

The report details strategic processes of elevating MDI’s current mandate to a higher education institution with the opportunity of offering degree programmes, as well as continuous professional training and research and consultancy activities. The institution’s core mandate will centre around improving the quality and professionalism of the civil (and public) service in The Gambia.

In his opening statement during the handing over of the document, the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Pierre Gomez, highlighted that the transformation of MDI represents a pivotal higher education reform agenda of the Government of The Gambia and that the Ministry is fully committed to ensuring that the institution’s capacity is enhanced in the bid to ensure excellence in The Gambia’s civil service.

“This specific agenda is not just about institutional change; it is about equipping our civil servants with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to drive our nation forward. As we embark on this transformative journey, we do so with the unwavering belief that a stronger, more empowered civil service will be the cornerstone of our socioeconomic growth and development,” said Hon. Gomez.

He said the report submitted represents the culmination of extensive consultations, rigorous planning, and a vision for a civil service that can lead our nation towards prosperity.

Mr Sulayman Samba, a former civil servant, served as the chairperson of the Transformation Committee. He expressed appreciation for the quality time he had with members like Mr Alieu Ngum, and other renowned professionals in the committee, through whose dedication and love for the country, their mission was actualised. He advanced that the report fulfils the mandate given to them by the Minister, who the senior citizen lauded for his pragmatic leadership and commitment towards transforming MDI into a Civil Service College.

The key objectives of the MDI transformation initiative include to establish MDI as a leading institution in The Gambia, offering degree programmes and continuous professional development for civil servants, ensure the curriculum and training programmes are aligned with the competency frameworks and skills requirements of the civil service sector, to enhance faculty development and retention, ensuring a highly qualified and competent teaching staff; establish robust governance structures and quality assurance mechanisms to ensure accountability, transparency and continuous improvement; develop partnerships with universities overseas for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building; and to explore funding strategies and sustainable financing mechanisms to support the transformation process and the long-term viability of the Civil Service College.

The handover ceremony was chaired by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Dr. Yusupha Touray, and attended by committee members, senior staff of MDI and MoHERST, and the press.

The PS commended the MDI Transformation Committee for an exceptional job. “This is history-making, and we will do our utmost to adhere to the recommendations outlined in the report,” Dr. Touray promised.