Tertiary, Higher Education Director Highlights Directorate’s Achievements in 2023

By Fatoumata Joof

The Tertiary and Higher Education Directorate of the Ministry of Higher Education Research Science and Technology )(MoHERST) is mandated to have policy oversight on tertiary and higher education in the country, including the management and supervision of Universities, Colleges, Technical, Vocational and Education and Training (TVET) Centres. The Directorate works closely with the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA) to ensure improved access, relevance and quality tertiary and higher education in The Gambia. The Gambia National Qualifications Framework (GNQF) has also been developed in close collaboration with the Directorate and NAQAA. Further to these core mandates, the Directorate of Tertiary and Higher Education also ensures enhanced educational curriculum, quality assurance, TVET education and training, and monitoring and evaluation of programmes, which are all vital in teaching and learning in tertiary and higher education.

Mr. Anthony G. Mendy is the Director of Tertiary and Higher Education at MoHERST. Highlighting key achievements of his directorate in 2023, Mr Mendy mentioned the development of a National TVET Policy (2021-2030) which is funded by the UNESCO-KOICA Project. “This millstone is fundamental in development of the education system in The Gambia which offers two educational strands: one is on general education, and the other is on TVET. This way, learners are given the opportunity at the upper basic level to pursue either general or technical subjects, which allows them to specialise right from the senior secondary level. Upon completion of Grade 12, those who opt for technical education can enroll at the University of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (UEST) and those who did general education can go to the University of The Gambia or college.  This will allow us to develop the skill areas needed in the country. The young people will be able to acquire skills in auto mechanics, carpentry and joinery, refrigeration and air-conditioning, telecommunication, computer science, electrical, construction, and engineering; thus, we will ensure that all our youths have employable skills, and these can only be obtained through TVET,” he explained.

He also mentioned the UNESCO Participation Programme which saw his Directorate’s implementation of a short-term training project for youths in the areas of auto mechanic air-conditioning repairs and maintenance, and digital skills (ICT). “This intervention availed the Ministry the opportunity to enhance the employability skills of selected youths as it provided training for 50 youths in the area of digital skills and auto mechanic repairs and maintenance. This initiative also helped link programmes to the labour market and encouraged youth development”.

Mr Mendy added that through funding from UNESCO, the Directorate successfully implemented the Pan African Initiative for Digital Transformation of TVET and Skill Development in Africa. “It is noteworthy that, out of 27 countries in Africa who implemented this project, The Gambia happens to be the first country to implement this programme.This programme is meant to help African countries to digitise TVET and Skills development through technology. It supports the digital transformation of learning, which is mostly done face-to-face, to a technology-enabled learning which is commonly known as online learning”.


Prospects for 2024

On the prospects, the Director said they have planned to commence the implementation of a human capital development project called Gambia RISE (Resilient, Inclusive, Skills and Equity). This project, he explained, is expected to be funded by The World Bank and will include the establishment of two Centres of Excellence -  one will focus on agri-business and the other one will be a multipurpose TVET Centre. Other activities for the coming year, he highlighted include the transformation of the Gambia College School of Education into a University of Education, which transformation will oversee the development of a strategic improvement plan for the Centers of Excellence and the development of relevant curricular, among others.

Finally, as part of 2024 activities, Mr Mendy, said the Directorate will work closely with NAQAA for the implementation and popularisation of the Gambia National Qualification Framework (GNQF) to ensuring quality and relevant tertiary and higher education.


Director’s Profile

Mr. Anthony G. Mendy’s educational and professional qualifications include Primary Teachers’ Certificate (PTC); Higher Teachers’ Certificate (HTC) from the Gambia College (1994 and 1997 respectively), BA in International Development Studies and Agricultural Science from the University of The Gambia (2005) and Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Universiti Putra Malaysia(2013).This provided him with the requisite technical knowledge and skills to manage and administer policies, programmes and activities within the Directorate of Tertiary and Higher Education.

Mr. Mendy has been part of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) since its inception in 2007. Serving first as a Higher Education Officer in 2007, Mr. Mendy worked his way up the ladder and became Senior Education Officer before becoming Principal Higher Education Officer. With the acquisition of relevant knowledge and experience as an educationist, it was not until 2016 when he became the Director of Tertiary and Higher Education.