Renewable Energy Association Reaffirms Partnership with MoPE for Universal Energy Access

By Anna Marie Valentine 

Renewable energy is a major aspect of sustainable development. The Ministry in a bid to fulfil the goal of universal energy access by 2025 has tapped in to renewable and sustainable forms of energy, hence the commissioning of the 25MW solar PV plant in Jambur and other projects on the way that are centred on renewable energy. 
The Renewable Energy Association of the Gambia (REGAM) last week paid a courtesy call on the Honourable Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Nani Juwara at his office at the Petroleum House. 
REGAM officials congratulated the Hon. Minister on his new appointment and reaffirmed their support to the Ministry and its quest to provide renewable energy sources to The Gambia. 
REGAM consists of various players in the renewable energy and solar sector including MBOLLOH, Gam Solar, SM Solar company, and SES Gambia Ltd. 
Mrs Ndey S. Bakurin, Chairperson of REGAM, stated that renewable energy is the future and that it is paramount that the needful is done to be able to get The Gambia tap into our natural resources.
She thanked the Ministry for housing them at the GREGG offices and for the support of its members by the Ministry. 
Mrs Bakurin in her statement highlighted REGAM’s commitment to continue in its mandate and to revitalise the association. “We are as ever committed to the REGAM and the work that we have done and want to continue doing. We kindly ask that the Ministry continues to provide support. We believe that renewable energy is a part of sustainable development,” the chair remarked.
The members highlighted different areas in which they needed support from the Ministry. In terms of capacity building and being up to date on best practices, as well as the flooding of low quality solar products in the Gambian markets. They expressed the need to provide capacity building measures to the members of the association in order to empower them to be major players in the solar sector. 
“It is important that Gambians are empowered to be front runners and not to rely on foreigners for commissioning, installing and running of solar projects. This is something that the Ministry is very passionate about. The Jambur solar plant boasts of numerous female technicians. Most of these female technicians are from MBOLLOH, who believe in empowering women and girls,” she emphasised. 
Hon. Nani Juwara reassured REGAM of the Ministrys continual support to its cause and projects. On the road to renewable energy, associations like REGAM hold special value. The provision of energy especially in rural areas is a top priority.
“The Government is focused on the transition of energy. There is limited access of energy in Africa and The Gambia wants to find answers and to provide access to its people. There is commitment on the side of the Government  and it goes beyond extending the powerlines. Renewable energy is an important aspect and the roadmap details 40% coverage of renewable energy in the country,” He concluded