Public Service Ministry Validates New Strategic Plan

By: Lamin B. Darboe

The Ministry of Public Service, Administrative Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery, last week held a validation workshop of its Strategic Plan 2024-2028 -  at a local hotel in Kololi.
Presiding over the opening of the two-day event, the Secretary General and Head of Civil Service, Salimatta E. T. Touray, explained that the strategic plan outlines a comprehensive framework for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Public Service, while ensuring that government services delivered to citizens are of the highest quality.
She added that the plan aligns with the goals of the Recovery Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP) 2023–2027 and focuses on transforming the Public Service into a dynamic, efficient and citizen-focused institution. She said the strategy also includes a risk management framework, and a monitoring plan to ensure accountability and transparency. 
“The development of the Strategic Plan was premised on three priority areas: public officers, policies and systems. The strategic direction established by the plan is underpinned by a value system that prioritises integrity, professionalism, loyalty, diligence and client focus,” Madam Touray stated.
The SG went on to point out that the strategic plan formulation process was not an easy task; and that it went through rigorous internal and external consultation works.
She therefore expressed gratitude to all stakeholders; especially the reviewers, whom she acknowledged provided technical support throughout the strategic plan formulation process.
“We appreciate the crucial role you (reviewers) played during the process. Similar sentiments go to staff of the Ministry, who without their immense contribution and support we would not have checked this box in our work plan,” SG Touray informed.
She assured all stakeholders that her office will give its unflinching support to ensure effective implementation of the outlined strategic priorities.
The Civil Service boss took the opportunity to applaud President Adama Barrow for the support his government continues to render to the Ministry of Public Service since its establishment in 2022.