President Urges Volarisation of Gambian Culture - Ahead of Janjangbureh Commemoration

By Aminata Sanneh

His Excellency President Adama Barrow has made a clarion for Gambians to embrace culture while describing history as an integral part of existence that influences lives as well as contributes to shaping our nations and development trends.

The Gambian leader recently made these remarks during a breakfast meeting with the business community. The event also marked the beginning of activities for the Janjangbureh Bicentenary commemoration scheduled to take place from 4th to 7th January 2024 in Central River Region.

Addressing the gathering, President Barrow said history has proven to be instructive as a source of reference for all shades of people; young and old, all types of communities; rich and poor, and all categories of institutions, formal and informal. He added that the reason for its prominence is obvious.

“History embodies all actions and events associated with space and time; hence we are making history by holding this event here. Wisdom dictates, therefore, that we occasionally make reference to history as the sum of human endeavours and their consequences to inform our decisions, plans, and actions,” he stated.

The President adduced that nations often lean back on their glorious past to mobilise their people for constructive and sustainable development and The Gambia is no exception.

He observed that history and culture are inseparable tools from which policies and strategies are aimed at boosting tourism, building a cohesive society, and forging a strong sense of cultural awareness and pride.

“In times of crisis too, our shared history becomes a rallying tool to unite us to strive towards a common destiny. This is why, personally, I have high regard for history and people who make history. It is critical that you participate effectively in the preparatory process and stages leading to the celebration, which is intended to feature some of the major facts recorded in the history of The Gambia,” he said.

The President therefore urged the invitees to support and successfully valorise the Gambian history and culture, through the proposed commemoration, which according to him will be deeply appreciated and acknowledged.

“It will go down in the history of this country as a symbolic act of generosity and appreciation of the Gambian cultural heritage as well as reflect the business community’s desire to see the Gambia develop faster,” he concluded.

On his part, the Minister of Tourism Honorable Hamat NK Bah said the objective of the breakfast with the President was to raise funds for the Bicentenary Commemoration as well as give the business community the opportunity to have a tete-a-tete discussion with President Barrow.

The Tourism minister describes the Janjangbureh Bicentenary commemoration as one of the historic gatherings that will showcase our culture, norms and values as a people, thus the theme ‘Celebrating Homecoming and our Heritage’. He urged everyone to take ownership of the event by participating fully.

He thanked the guests for honouring the invitation and their donation both in cash and kind, adding that it will go a long way in ensuring the successful hosting of the event.

The objective of the Janjangbureh festival is to memorialise, celebrate the bicentenary to stimulate cultural revival and build a robust tourism product in rural Gambia to foster national reconciliation and stimulate a cohesive Gambian society.

“The return of slaves since then has seen this beautiful nation turn into a melting pot of cultures that live in harmony, combined with a history that reminds us of who we are and a sense of direction of where we want to be,” he remarked.