President Barrow Positive about 2024 - As he Vaunts ‘Yiriwa’ Program

In his New Year’s message of 2024, President Barrow sounded upbeat about the outcome of the New Year in terms progress and prosperity for the country.

“As we look forward to 2024, we do so with gratitude to the Almighty God for the blessings and achievements of 2023, and we do so with much optimism as well,” he stated.

He described 2023 as the most productive year in The Gambia, since the pandemic in 2019.

He reminded that remarkable successes, particularly, in the priority areas of infrastructure development, energy and water provision, education, health, agriculture, and justice delivery, have been registered.

He went on to relish the peace and stability the country continues to enjoy. Although, the President lamented the fatal shooting incident that involved three security personnel and a few other cases of murder and suicide, he reported that crime rate has dropped.

On the new NDP, President Barrow remarked: “To deliver on our promises, my administration’s focus on development is now firmly anchored to the National Development Plan -YIRIWA (2023 - 2027) and the Medium-Term Economic Fiscal Framework (2023-2026) for macro-fiscal stability”.

He added: “Every New Year inspires new visions, resolutions, plans, and approaches. For 2024, in line with the new YIRIWA programme, I propose that we adopt Efficiency for Quality Output as our New Year resolution, inject quality into whatever we do, and act as agents of peace and development”.

While acknowledging the high cost of living in the country, especially on the poor, the President offered that part of the solution is stepping up local production to reduce imports.

“My government will continue to subsidise essential imported commodities, even though this reduces our spending ability on development projects. Thus, to compensate for this, we must fall back on taxation; that is, taxation purely for inclusive development”. 

President Barrow also touched on the menace of rising irregular migration among young people, sending condolence to the victims’ families. 

“Young people have a very significant role to play in their families, communities, and in national development, hence we cannot watch them perish with impunity”.

He highlighted some of the opportunities that they can exploit such as the education and skills trainings being provided.

President Barrow took the opportunity to warn that there is growing instability within the sub-region; and against the causes of disorder, such as divisive politics, land issues, and ethnic rivalry.

“As a people, let our national pride and collective determination fuel our efforts, while our diversity, knowledge, skills, and values be the transformative tools for the change and development we so badly desire. There is no richer or more potent resource than the people. With everyone on board, no challenge is insurmountable”. 

He concluded by noting that in 2024, among other events, three major events; namely, the OIC Summit, the Janjangbureh Bicentenary Festival and holding a referendum on the new Constitution for the Third Republic are being eagerly awaited.

“For the cooperation and collaboration we enjoy, I thank all categories of leaders in the country and all those in the public and private sectors. I am also thankful to our development partners and every citizen and friend of The Gambia.

As we celebrate the New Year, let us remember to pray for the lives lost during the year. They include the gentle souls of former Vice President, Badara Joof, our fallen security personnel, the unfortunate migrants who passed on in their quest for greener pastures, and those who departed this life in one way or another. God’s peace be with them”.