Pan-African Financial Setup Seeks Gambia’s Membership

By Lamin Kujabi

A delegation of the Africa Guarantee and Economic Cooperation Fund (FAGACE), a pan-African financial institution based in Benin, on Friday 26th July paid courtesy call on His Excellency President Adama Barrow at State House.
The delegation was accompanied to State House by Honourable Seedy Keita, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs; and Bua Saidy, Governor of Central Bank of The Gambia.
Speaking to the press after the audience with President Barrow, Finance minister Honourable Seedy Keita affirmed to the media that FAGACE is a multilateral financial institution comprising 50 member countries in Africa, and is seeking Gambia’s membership. He explained that the financial corporation makes investment easier without sovereign guarantee. 
Honourable Keita described the visit as “one more demonstration of confidence that international community has in The Gambia’s economy”. He went on: “They want to partner by offering a new financial setup which will drive investment in this country and make The Gambia a favorable investment destination”. 
He promised them that his ministry will continue to work with them to move to the next step.
Mr. Ngueto Tiraina Yambaye, the Managing Director of FAGACE, expressed delight for visiting The Gambia and introducing the financial institution to the President and the government of The Gambia.
His remark: “As a Pan-African financial institution we are promoting prosperity and development. Currently FAGACE is covering fifty countries in Africa and we are all exploring how The Gambia can be part of this important institution because there is so much potential in The Gambia and now across the world many investors want to come and invest in The Gambia. We are getting ready to bring our knowledge and expertise and financial resources to support The Gambia’s development”. 
Mr Ngueto Tiraina Yambaye expressed good impressions about the reactions and commitment of the President, Finance minister and Governor of Central Bank to the idea.
He said FAGACE has aligned its vision with The Gambia government and the private sector.