Palm Leaf Creative Genius Encourages Youth Venture into Skills

By Sainabou Sambou

Pap Janha, is a creative artist who has been in the creative industry for 49 years using palm leaves to make furniture such as chairs, baskets, flowers vases and lamp shade, has called on the youths to engage in skills work. “There is no skill work that won’t bring income for you,” he declared.

 In this interview with Gambia Daily, the experienced creative artist explained how he started this business. He informed that it was his dad who taught him and inspired him to do the work and be passionate about the job. Mr Janha said he does not have any other job apart from making furniture and other items from palm leaves – his source of living for the family.

Mr. Janha said that most of his customers are Gambians who buy baskets for their traditional marriage ceremonies and even birthday parties. He said the hotels also buy the chairs, flower vases and the lamp shades during the tourism season.

Citing his challenges Mr. Janha said that during the rainy season it is difficult to get palm tree leaves and also make low sales during the summer. He said he buys the palm leaves from Gunjur Brending and hire a car to bring it to his workshop in Kotu, which he said is expensive. He added that sometimes if he did not have money to buy palm leaves his customers would give him money to buy the materials to make furniture if they need.

“I do not sit and wait for help; what I believe is that I work hard and make money, because the government alone cannot support us. So if you are engaged in something people will be eager to help you,” he said.

The palm leave weave says he  works with his son who is in the lower basic school. “My son comes to the workshop every morning to help me before going to school in the afternoon. He also works with me during the weekend. He has strong passion for creativity,” Mr Janha revealed.