Musa Sallah Testifies on his Accident, Encounter with Junglers

By Awa DK Conteh

Musa Sallah appeared before the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission (TRRC) in connection to an incident in Omorto, Kombo East Disrict, West Coast Region where he was shot with one Pa Manneh, his interaction with the junglers, the attack on his taxi on the first day the Senegalese President, Macky Sall visited The Gambia and his encounter with former Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ensa Badjie whom he said wounded him with a pistol. 

Mr. Sallah told the TRRC he was born in Pakaliba and had Quranic education. In 1996 he worked at Safideen photo laboratory in Serrekunda as a professional photographer and later established his photo studios in Brufut and Brikamaba respectively. In December 2000 he went to Nyaree in Cassamarce, southern Senegal to seek prayers. 

He said after he met the marabout in Nyaree, he was given some herbs to bath and place at his studios. However, after that he went back to him in January, 2001 and as he was returning, the marabout told him that it was difficult to get transport from that area and he (witness) told him that he would trek to Sibanor in The Gambia.

According to him, as he was about to leave, one Pa Manneh found him there and he begged him for a lift to return the following day adding that Pa Manneh told him that he was also in Nyaree for a mission. 

The witness testified that Mr. Manneh agreed to take him along and pick him early in the morning. Upon arrival at Omorto village while Manneh was driving, he heard a gunshot despite the fact that no one confronted them to stop.  When asked whether he sustained gun fire, he responded in the affirmative adding that the shots were quick in nature. 
He recollected that when they were shot, he told Pa to stop but he responded that it was the rebels that were firing at them and the moment the bullet touched him, he told him to stop as the motor cycle got into a ditch.

At this juncture, they both rolled over and all of a sudden Pa Manneh died while he (Sallah) feinted till around 11am GMT. He saw an old man who was a shepherd and called him for help but that man took his bicycle and ran away. 

However, he later saw a soldier with a gun and shouted for help and the boss asked his juniors to search them which they did and responded to him that they were Gambians. The boss ordered that be searched and all his belongings such as wallet, neckless and other valuables should be taken from him. They also searched the deceased ( Pa Manneh) and took his money and other belongings. 

"I told him Sir help me or finished me, he helped me but it was too late. I later saw a Pickup vehicle in which I was carried on and taken away."  He added that Francis Casso took the gun and put it in the bullet hole of his wound and later said he should be finished but the soldier responded that their boss said that should not happen. "Francis then told me you will never die." 
At this point he said they were taken to Brikama Police Station but they later took them to Yundum and “during this process, I was observing, crying and bleeding while being whisked away on the bumpy road. We were later taken to the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) where I got feinted again.” He revealed.

According to him, while in Banjul, he was taken to “6/7” and later to the X-ray room to examine the left side of his chest where he was shot and the doctor attending him told him that there was 1 inch bullet more. However, he was admitted for 1 Months and 3 Weeks in under the supervision of one police officer. 

He disclosed that the officer who is currently at Sukuta Police Station told him that he was there to save his life because he was shot by the “Junglers” and would help him know the people visiting him. He then told him that his family members were around him and one of his brothers was even staying with him at the hospital.

Mr. Sallah testified that octors at the main referral hospital intimated to him that the bullet that passed through him killed Pa Manneh. When he was released from the hospital, the Police Officer escorted him to the Police Headquarters in Banjul. 

He recollected that upon arrival, he explained to the police that he was shot by the “Junglers” and was later escorted to Jaye Sowe's office who accused him of dealing in drugs but he responded to him that he was not involved in that trade. 

At this juncture, Jaye Sowe pulled out a pistol and placed it on his table and told him that if he doesn't stop selling “tie” he would finish him up but he told him that he would not accept his allegations which were untrue and that he was not afraid of what would happen to him. 

Thereafter, he said he was taken to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) were his statement was obtained and told that Pa Manneh was a drug dealer. "The officers said I should say the drugs belonged to Pay Manneh but I told them I won't say that because I did not see any “tie” with Pa Manneh neither the bag he had on him." 

He said the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) later collected him and took him to their headquarters and was put in a cell. He alleged that while in the difficult situation one Police Officer called Pateh asked for D5000 to enable him destroy the case file by burning it  but he told him that he don't have money. 

According to him, a suspect of drug case told him while in detention that another accused person told him that he was ordered to pay D150, 000 as bribe before he could be released. He said photography business collapsed due to the new technology. 

During the cold season he used to have some pain and at times would use ointment to massage his back. He said that he was unable to work regularly due to his injury. 

From 2001 to 2007 he did some work by going with some fishermen to the sea. However, in 2007, he met one Mr. Badjie at a bar and restaurant and he was responsible of cleaning the table and arranging the empty bottles of wine and was  paid D800.00 but eventually became a drunkard. 
He said while he was working there, Sanna Manjang, Nuha Badjie, Michel Sang Correa, Nfansu Nyabally among others, used to come there at times, in dozens to the bar to drink  and smoke weed. “When they come party usually happens and if they know you will drink, and they will buy pork or fish and grilled it.” He explains.  

Mr. Sallah, said anytime they go to the bar, they pulled out packets of money to pay bills. He added that the “Junglers” once drove away the NDLEA officers and even beat them up for attempting to interfere with them. He said their vehicles had all sought of implements. 
He said at that time they were called “The Black Scorpions.” He said they later left that bar and went to another one called “Ocean Bar” and he (Sallah) followed them there and they asked him what would he drink and he opted for 'Guinness.'

According to him, one day while he was in the bar one Mustapha called him “Death Man Walking” but he told him not to call him that name but Mustapha insisted and later Sanna Manjang demand for explanation and Mustapha explain to him. He said at that Point Sanna Manjang told him that ML Tamba and Omar Jallow alias OYA were the ones who shot him. 
Nuha Badjie then asked him whether it was true and he responded in the positive and he then confronted ML Tamba and told him that they killed Pa Manneh and shots him on the chest but all of sudden Manjang said they should stopped the talking before it will yield something else.

The witness told the Commission that Nuha Badjie advised him not to revenge or do anything to ML Tamba because Tamba was not working at the time. He said Yahya Jammeh announced that those that were shot at Omorto the one that died will be buried while he (Sallah) would be treated and no soldiers will go to court. 

The “Junglers” told him that they felt his sad life because he was like a brother and that they would go to Yahay Jammeh and explain his situation to him so that he can be provided with some help. He responded to them that it was because of carwash he knew them. 

In 2010 he got a White friend who bought him a Mercedes Benz but in 2011, while driving he saw a vehicle behind him which made a double signals at him and he decided to go off the road and was between the road and the electrical poles and the convoy knocked his car very hard till it twisted to the other end of the road. 

On whether this was an accident, he responded in the negative. He added that after this thing happened, a soldier alighted, stood at his car and asked: “he did not die?” 
After this incident, he reported the matter to Brusubi Police Station and his details were obtained but he was never called. "I eventually sold the car for D40,000." He revealed. 

On his encounter with Ensa Badjie alias Jesus, he said while driving a scooter he was knocked by Essa Badjie who  was driving a pickup and he fell down and when he attempted to get up, Badjie pulled out his Pistol and rifle-butted him. 

Mr. Sallah recollected that Badjie later arrested him and took him to Serrekunda and handcuffed him on the tyre of the scooter. "I was parked behind the Police Station were they usually parked motor cycles and other vehicles."
While he was held at the station, he saw one Mustapha Gaye, an Immigration Officer from Jarra Soma who later confronted the police officers who contacted Jesus and he ordered for his release but prior to him going home, he was taken to Serrekunnda Health Centre for treatment. He testified that he was angry with Jesus but did not have the powers to fight him.