MoCDE Highlights Strides Made Towards Growth of Gambia’s Digital Economy

By Kumba Leigh

The Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy (MoCDE) on Friday, January 19th convened a press briefing to recount progress made in the country’s digital transformation process, and the plans for the future.

The event, which gathered ministers, as well as other national and international delegates aimed to highlight matters of digital advancement, foster transparency, and accountability in public service delivery, as well as promote participatory governance for improved development outcomes.

In his opening remarks, Mr Ousman A. Bah, Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, stated that in the course of the past year, they have witnessed substantial progress in the design, development, formulation and implementation of policies, strategies, bills, and regulations aimed at fostering the growth of the digital economy in The Gambia.

The achievements, he noted, encompass successful collaborations and signing of crucial Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with bilateral partners, as well as numerous engagements with various stakeholders within and outside The Gambia.

He pointed out the cross-cutting nature of digital economy, which he posited, requires seamless integration with various sectors. Thus, the minister acknowledged that the collaborative efforts with other ministries have been pivotal to the achievements registered in 2023. “We have worked hand in hand with other ministries, understanding the importance of a unified approach to harness the full potential of digital transformation and the digital economy. And this collaboration has not only enhanced efficiency but has also fostered a holistic development strategy for the nation,” he elucidated.

Minister Bah expressed gratitude to President Barrow for  bestowing confidence in him, noting that his visionary leadership and wisdom in establishing MoCDE reflects his commitment to positioning The Gambia as a digital hub in the region.

Also speaking at the event was Mr Lamin Queen Jammeh, Minister of Information. He hailed the decoupling of the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure (MOICI) into two distinct entities - the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy and the Ministry of Information (MOIN), as a strategic move by the President that underscores the commitment to specialisation and focus for the optimal development of both sectors.

He said that the creation of MoCDE acknowledges the critical role that ICT and the digital economy play in driving national progress; and that the sector is not merely a facilitator of communication, but a transformative force that propels The Gambia into a new era of innovation, efficiency, and global competitiveness.

He went on: “The joint development of the Draft Data Protection and Privacy Bill is a testament to the commitment to safeguarding our citizens’ rights in the information and digital age. Once enacted, this bill will be entrusted to the envisaged Access to Information Commission under the Ministry of Information, ensuring a comprehensive approach to data protection, privacy and safeguarding critical information, while the Ministry of Information oversees public information, media, and the broadcasting sector.

Minister Jammeh applauded MoCDE for their accomplishments in 2023, and emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts among MDAs.

For his part, Professor Pierre Gomez, Minister of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology, stated that the nation’s progress is intricately woven through the collaborative efforts of various ministries, departments, agencies, all working in tandem to propel the country’s progress.

 He underscored the flourishing collaboration between MoHERST and MoCDE; that it is a partnership that exemplifies the synergy between the realms of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology, and the dynamic world of Communications and Digital Economy.

“One shining example of this collaboration is the recently concluded feasibility study for the establishment of a UTG Technology Hub and Regional Information and Innovation Hub,” he said, noting that the initiative was a testament to the commitment of both ministries to foster innovation and technological advancement within the nation.

He informed that it was the UTG Research Directorate, an entity under MOHERST that spearheaded this study through a contract funded by MoCDE. “This collaboration,” the minister went on, “underscores the shared vision of ministries in harnessing the power of education, research, and technology for the socio-economic development of The Gambia.

He said the UTG Technology Hub and Regional Information and Innovation Hub when established, would be more than physical spaces; that they will symbolise their commitment to creating an ecosystem where academia and technology seamlessly converge.

Other ministries that participated in the press brief event included the Ministry of Public Service, and Ministry of Trade.