MoBSE, CRS Oversee First School Meal Serving

By Abdou Mbye

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) in collaboration with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) on Monday 11th December, observed the initiation of the inaugural school meal serving under the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Programme, known as the NDOKK Project in The Gambia. This initiative aims to provide school feeding programme to an estimated 53,000 students in 186 schools, ultimately fostering increased enrollment and retention rates, especially within rural areas.

The team’s first point of call was Aljamdu Lower Basic School, followed by Sare Tubaye Lower Basic School, culminating at Nasrul ilni Arabic School in Ndungu Kebbeh in the North Bank Region.

Addressing the audiences, Mr. Njong James Kongnyui, the CRS Country Representative, stressed the primary objective of the feeding programme, focusing on ensuring proper hygiene and sanitation to guarantee the students’ well-being during meal services. He emphasised that while meals are crucial, they alone cannot solely enhance the educational quality of children. “The project isn’t solely about providing meals; it also involves training teachers and school administrators and distributing school supplies to project-affiliated schools, aiming to bolster literacy access,” Mr. James highlighted.

Dr. Omar Bah,  Senior Education Officer (SEO) at the School Agriculture and Food Management Unit (SAFMU) expressed gratitude and extended thanks to CRS and the US government on behalf of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education for their support to the implementation of the School Feeding Programme. He emphasised the vital role of feeding programmes in encouraging enrollment, retention, and academic focus among students. “This project, coupled with other educational initiatives supported by the WFP and the Gambian government, will go a long way towards supporting the education sector,” Dr. Bah underscored.

Representing Region Three’s Director, Mr. Farba Joof, the Principal Education Officer, emphasised that the school feeding programme’s primary objective is to ensure every child receives an education without being left behind. He urged parents and community members to work together with schools to ensure the success and smooth running of the programme.