‘Kick Kush Out Of Gambia’ Embarks on Community Sensitisation

By Isatou Fofana

In a concerted effort to combat the rising menace of drug and substance abuse in The Gambia, the ‘Kick Kush Out of the Gambia’ initiative recently held a day-long comprehensive community sensitisation event, which took place in the communities of Barra and Essau, where the impact of kush has been devastating, claiming the lives of many young people.
The event brought together local leaders, health professionals, educators, and concerned citizens, with the aim to address the urgent need for awareness and action against the use of Kush.
The substance, which has become alarmingly popular among the youth, poses severe health risks and has led to an increase in addiction and fatalities in the regions.
Keynote speakers at the event included Mr. Lamin K Jobarteh, a leading substance abuse expert from the National Task Force established to fight against drugs; and Mr. Alagie B Janneh, a civil society organisation representative.
Mr. Janneh highlighted the dangers of Kush, explaining its highly addictive nature and the detrimental effects it has on both physical and mental health. He emphasised the importance of early intervention and the role of the community in supporting individuals struggling with addiction.
He spoke passionately about the need for a collective effort to eradicate Kush from the community, and urged parents, teachers, and local authorities to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing the signs of drug abuse among young people. “Our youth are our future,” he said. “We must do everything in our power to protect them from the dangers of Kush and other harmful substances.”
Throughout the day, various interactive sessions were conducted to engage the participants. These sessions provided practical information on how to recognise the signs of drug abuse, ways to support individuals in recovery, and strategies to prevent the spread of Kush in the community. The event also featured testimonials from former users who shared their experiences and the challenges they faced in overcoming addiction.
The highlight of the day was a community march through the streets of Barra and Essau, where participants carried banners and placards with messages such as “Say No to Kush” and “Protect Our Youth, Save Our Future.” The march aimed to raise awareness and demonstrate the community’s united stance against drug abuse.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Musa Suso, the coordinator of the “Kick Kush Out of the Gambia” initiative, thanked the participants for their active involvement and stressed the importance of continued efforts to keep the momentum going. “Today’s event is just the beginning,” he said. “We must keep working together to ensure a safer, healthier future for our young people.”
Community members expressed their gratitude and support for the initiative. A resident of Essau remarked: “This event has opened our eyes to the dangers of drugs and has given us the tools to protect our children. We are grateful to Kick Kush for bringing this important issue to our doorstep.”
The sensitisation event received widespread support and was seen as a crucial step in the fight against drug and substance abuse in Barra and Essau.
The “Kick Kush Out of The Gambia” initiative plans to organise similar events in other affected communities across the country, with the hope of creating a drug-free Gambia.