YEP Boosts Young Entrepreneurs with Tricycles, E-bikes

European Union, International Trade Centre through Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) on Wednesday, 24th June, 2020 handed over eight tricycles, five solar-powered tricycles, e-bikes and 13 bicycles to young Gambian entrepreneurs.

The aim of the project is to create employment opportunities for youth and women and, most importantly, facilitate the transportation of goods in the economy during and after Covid-19. Speaking at the presentation, Lamin Jobe, Minister of Trade, said the equipment will improve the capacities of these young business entrepreneurs and facilitate the distribution of products and essential goods. With the support, I am sure you will be able to easily reach out to most of your clients to support your business activities.

“The support is in line with Ministry’s policy of promoting trade and industrial development in key sectors of the economy to spur the needed growth sufficient to impact on unemployment and poverty in the short and medium term. We have therefore identified a number of sectors as priority to promote investments, and these include manufacturing, dairy, poultry, fisheries and agro-food processing industries”.

The minister informed that the ministry has formulated a new Industrial Policy and Trade Strategy to provide policy guidance to support and enhance trade development. “We have also updated a number of policies including National Trade Policy, National Entrepreneurship policy, Investment Policy and the MSME Policy to create the right business environment for Micro Small and Medium-size Enterprises,” Minster Jobe added.

Yusupha Keita, a representative of the International Trade Centre noted that the support will create new employment opportunities for youth and women; and most importantly, facilitate the transportation of goods in the economy during and after Covid-19.

Keita thank the European Union for their support to private sector development and youth entrepreneurs in particular, and MOTIE, MOYS and their Tekki Fii partners for the collaboration.