West Africa’s Asset Recovery Network to Convene 10th AGM in Banjul

By Sarjo M Camara

The Gambia will host the 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Assets Recovery Inter-Agency Network of West Africa (ARINWA) from 28th - 30th November 2023. More than 60 delegates from across West Africa are expected to attend.

Members of the ARINWA Secretariat and Technical partners earlier met with the Minister of Interior, Seyaka Sonko, who updated on the level of preparedness ahead of the event.

“It is worth mentioning that His Excellency, Adama Barrow has directed for the law enforcement agencies to pursue and sign bilateral and multilateral agreements with their counterparts around the world to facilitate international cooperation in criminal investigation,” he stated.

The Interior Minister also spoke of the impact that organised crime has on the Gross Domestic Product of the African continent.

“The impact of organised crime on African economy is grave; it is estimated that Africa loses about US$89 billion, 3.7 per cent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), annually in illicit financial flows, including tax evasion and drug trafficking,” said Hon. Sonko.  

He went on: “Depriving criminals of their ill-gotten wealth has proven to be one of the most effective ways of disempowering them by weakening their financial and general resource based for continued commission of crime”.

The Minister noted that hosting of this meeting demonstrates Gambia Government’s commitment to the consolidation of the criminal asset recovery regime of the ECOWAS region.

He assured that Gambia government places a high premium on the fight against transnational organised crime with a view to mitigating its impact on the Gambian society in particular and the global community generally.

Hon. Sonko, on behalf of the Government of the Gambia, extended his heartfelt appreciation to the technical and financial partners of The Gambia, particularly, the UNODC and GIZ for their support towards the hosting of the AGM in Banjul.

ARINWA is an ECOWAS inter-ministerial initiative aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of its members in their efforts to deprive criminals of their illicit profits. As an informal network, it facilitates information exchange on asset recovery, confiscation and money laundering in West Africa.

The Gambia is a founding member of ARINWA, and has since been an active participant in all its activities through the three National Focal Persons representing the Ministries of Interior, Justice and Finance. This representation reflects the multi-sectoral approach to counter the acquisition and retention of criminal wealth.