VP Holds Parting Meeting with Outgoing Ambassadors of Qatar, Burkina Faso

By Sarjo M Camara


The outgoing Ambassadors of Burkina Faso and Qatar, Their Excellencies Jacob Ouedraogo and Feisal Fahad Al Mana last week bade farewell to His Excellency Vice President Mohammed B.S Jallow at State House, after the two diplomats have come to end of  their duty in the country.

The Vice President commended them Jacob Ouedraogo and Feisal Fahad Al Mana for serving their terms in The Gambia without any troubles. He said Banjul will still remember the two ambassadors for their excellent performance and respect for the law during their tenure in the country.

On their part, their Excellencies Jacob Ouedraogo and Feisal Fahad Al Mana, through the Vice President, expressed gratitude to His Excellency President Adama Barrow and Gambians.

Ambassador Ouedraogo, who was the first to meet VP Jallow, said The Gambia Government and her people have given a conducive environment to citizens of his country to stay comfortably in without any problems. He also called on the Burkinabe in The Gambia to continue abiding by the Gambian laws.

Ambassador Feisal Fahad Al Mana also described his country’s relationship with The Gambia as cordial, and expressed optimism that Qatar and The Gambia would continue to enjoy their smooth relationship. He also urged his successor to continue and further strengthen the existing positive relationship between the two nations.