UN wants to ‘Reinvent’ Governance in Sahel Using Gambian Experience - Special Coordinator for Development


By LaminKujabi

The United Nations Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel has revealed the intention of the body to use Gambia as a model to “reinvent “governance in the Sahel West Africa and beyond.  “It is our understanding and feeling that the crisis we are seeing in the Sahel and all over, might be a crisis of governance and the way The Gambia has handled its governance is something we have to sing and broadcast. The world has to see that here in Africa we have story to tell. The Gambia has story to tell in terms of governance, and resilience,” he remarked.

He also made reference to the way the country managed the Covid19 situation. “It shows that The Gambia can resist challenges like Covid19,” he added.


Further speaking to the press after his meeting with President Adama Barrow, on Wednesday, February 16th Mr Abdoulaye Mar Dieye took the opportunity to commend the President of the Republic and The Gambian people for the successful conduct of the December 2021 presidential election, which he observed, saw a large voter turnout and a peaceful electoral process.


He said they also have celebrated what the President did during his first term in office – “the outstanding way he moved his government’s agenda and the way he invested in the development of The Gambia”.  


The Special Development Coordinator also announced that he has identified President Barrow to lead the proposed International Governance Forum scheduled to take place in The Gambia in June 2022. “This is to see how we can transform governance into development”. He intimated that the President has given his blessing to the idea and that they will be working with the ministers to make it a reality.