Stakeholders Conclude Dialogue on Innovations in Gambia’s Tourism Sector

By Lamin Njie

The Tourism Stakeholders Dialogue has ended with a strong commitment from actors in the sector to work together as a team and transform Destination Gambia into one of the best in Africa. 
The forum, held at the Pancha MI Hall in Kololi, brought together participants from across the country to update tourism stakeholders on preseason tourism arrangements and all other issues impacting tourism, hospitality and culture, and to collectively map out strategies to improve the industry.
The meeting also provided the opportunity for the participants to engage in conversation with the  Minister of Tourism and Culture and to inform him about the sector’s development, challenges and the way forward.
Delivering his closing remarks, Abdoulie Jobe, Minister of Tourism and Culture, told the gathering that due to the socio-economic importance of the sector, the Government of The Gambia is ready to dialogue with stakeholders in the tourism sector in a way and manner that will take the sector forward.
 He noted the significance of the dialogue and commended the participants for attending and making positive contributions towards making the tourism sector more vibrant and innovative.
The Minister informed that similar forums will be organised in the future to see what has been achieved and what needs to be improved on.
He finally reassured the stakeholders of his office’s support and collaboration at all times.