Public Service Ministry Readies Public Service Bill

By: Lamin B. Darboe



The Ministry of Public Service, Administrative Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery has validated the Public Service Bill 2023 at Bakadaji Hotel, Kololi.


Speaking at the validation forum last week, Baboucarr Bouy, Minister of Public Service, Administrative Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery, described the civil service as the vehicle through which the Government executes its public strategy.  “The growth of the civil service to meet the increasing demands and expectation of the public calls for coordination and improvement in governance for better service delivery,” he added.

He went on to refer to the Public Service Bill 2023 as an important instrument not only to support and direct the Ministry’s operations but also potentially serve as the principal legal framework of the civil service.

 “As a Ministry, we believe our engagement with all relevant national stakeholders, including ministries, oversight institutions, civil society organisations (CSOs) in a forum like this, will enrich the Public Service Bill 2023,” said Minister Bouy.

Minister Bouy however stated that for his Ministry to effectively deliver on its mandate, it requires legislative backing given that the operations of such government portfolio have to be properly guided and regulated.

He informed the participants that the recommendation to review the Public Service Act 1991 was approved by the cabinet; hence work started in earnest.

“Let me finally register on behalf of my Ministry staff, especially the committee that was set up to review the Public Service Act 1991, our sincere thanks to all of you for your inputs in improving the bill to reflect the realities of our Public Service,” the Public Service Minister concludes.