The New Cabinet: A Potent Symbol of Hope



ith the appointment of a new cabinet on Wednesday, 4th May 2022, President Barrow has effectively started the long-awaited process of rolling out his second National Development Plan. The appointments have been regarded by many analysts as formidable; one that has the potential to steer the country on the right development trajectory. The composition is diverse in all respects, with a blend of highly experienced cabinet members and new appointees, mainly technocrats in their respective areas of responsibility.



This has come at a time when the government is launching the consultation process for the Recovery Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP 2023-27) and the Long-Term Development Vision 2050 (LTDV). These are two important development frameworks that will guide the government in its aspiration to improve the living standard of Gambians and develop the country to a reputable standard.   


Moreover, the transformation of the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure to the Ministry of Digital Economy and the creation of the Ministry of Public Service, Administrative Reform, Policy Coordination, and Delivery are commendable moves that could yield rapid dividends in our development process.

The creation of such a ministry shows that civil service reform is given prominence in the new cabinet. This will unlock the potential of The Gambia’s human resource base; especially in the public sector.