The National FGC Team Pays Courtesy Call on MoHERST

By Mahzouba Maya Faal


The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MOHERST) received the First Global Challenge (FGC) Team Gambia who will be representing our country inthe FGC Robotics Competition in Singapore, 2023.

The FGC is a prestigious international Olympics-like robotics competition that brings together students from over 190 countries around the world to collaborate, innovate and address pressing global challenges using robotics and STEM principles.

Accompanied by the CEO of InSIST Global Dr. Jorjoh Ndure-Tambedou, the Team met with the Permanent Secretary of MoHERST, Dr. Yusupha Touray, Director of STI, Mr. Samba Sowe, Director of Planning, Budget & Policy Analysis, Mr. Lamin Ceesay, and Principal STI Officer, Mr. Edward A. Mendy, to give an update on the progress of their innovation: ClassBot.

Permanent Secretary Dr Touray expressed good impressions about the innovation and motivated them to keep up the good work. He assured them of the support of the Ministry as they venture into the robotics competition.