MoTIE Validates Aid for Trade Strategy

The Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MoTIE) on Tuesday, 31st December 2019 convened a day’s validation workshop on aid for trade strategy held at a local hotel in Senegambia.

The event is supported through the UNDP funded Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development to formulate The Gambia Aid for Trade Strategy.

The objective of the strategy is to help identify The Gambia’s trade priorities and outline a strategy to enhance access to aid for trade resources to support trade development in The Gambia.

Speaking at the validation session, Mr Abdoulie Jammeh, Deputy Permanent Secretary for trade at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MoTIE) said the aim of the validation workshop on aid for trade strategy was to review the document with the view to formulating strategies aid through private sector development.

Bai Ibrahim Jobe, a consultant, also said the initiative would facilitate easy access to the benefit of World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreement on trade.

“It is important that we collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in order to make trade coordination more effective and coherent, so that the process of aid flow can be diversified,”Jobe advised.