MoHERST Hands Over Land for Construction of UTG Student Dormitories

By Fatoumatta Joof

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) on Wednesday, 17th January 2024, officially handed over to MRC Holland Foundation and Better Future the site for the construction of dormitories at The University of The Gambia Faraba Banta Campus.

According to the projected master plan by Pace Construction, the dormitories are going to be segmented into three components: The Student Housing, the Staff Housing and The Vice Chancellors Housing. However, the priority will be on the student housing component which will be divided into two phases, one for the married students and the other one for the unmarried students.

The student dormitory will comprise library, mini-market, food area, food preparation room, storage area, Play Area, Laundry, Hair Dresser and among others.

The Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Professor Pierre Gomez expressed profound appreciation to MRC Holland Foundation and Brighter Future for their enormous support to The Gambia Government through his Ministry.

“This master plan is going to be given to MRC Holland and Brighter Future for them to go with the design, study it and get back to us for final review prior to the construction of the facility,” he explained.

The Minister affirmed that quality and standard will not be compromised, noting that the facility will create a very conducive environment for the students.

Dr. Henriette Sonko, Coordinator of MRC Holland Foundation, in her opening remarks, expressed gratitude for their partnership with MoHERST, attesting that the partnership has proven a great success. “We are going to look at the master plan design thoroughly and we will finalise it together with the Ministry,” she assured.

She concluded by thanking Minister Gomez for pushing harder towards the transformation agenda and promised to continue supporting the Ministry to achieve its goals.

Yama Sonkolo, Coordinator of Brighter Future also expressed heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry for their partnership; in particular the official handing over of the land to them for the construction of the dormitories.

Similarly, she underscored the importance of sustainable development and commended the Ministry for working tirelessly towards the transformation of higher education in this country.


The meeting was chaired by the Permanent Secretary of MoHERST, Dr. Yusupha Touray.