MoCDE Organises Virtual Consultation Meeting on Child, Vulnerable Groups Protection Policy

By Aji Fatou Jammeh

The Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy (MoCDE) recently organised a virtual consultation meeting on Child and Vulnerable Group Protection Policy. 
This policy is assigned to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable groups online. In today’s digital age, kids are growing up with unprecedented access to the online world. While the internet offers tremendous opportunities for learning, communication, and personal growth, it also exposes young people to potential risks – like online sexual exploitation and abuse.
The workshop is aimed at gathering insights from difference stakeholders to get their inputs which he said is very instrumental towards having the foundation of the policy.
In his closing remarks, DPS Hassan Gaye thanked all the stakeholders for attending the meeting; and Prof. Salma for taking the assignment to provide The Gambia with a policy document which will protect children and vulnerable groups online. “As you all are aware The Gambia lacks policy towards protecting children and vulnerable groups online. We believe it is a timely intervention.
Sanusi Drammeh, Director of Cyber Security at MoCDE highlighted the importance of a safety online policy that will safeguard our children and vulnerable groups. 
He noted that in The Gambia many children are using internet and digital devices without basically any policy that is comprehensive enough or a law that is specifically on child online protection. 
He mentioned the prevalence of children being recruited online to conduct violence or to facilitate proper trafficking or children that are scammed eventually become trafficking victims themselves and various other activities such as cyber bullying as issues worth considering for remedy. “So imagine having a policy that will give you a sense of direction for all stakeholders to maintain their roles and responsibilities and to have government commitment regarding protecting children and other vulnerable groups online. This is very vital towards ensuring that digital transformation and the use of digital services is not only a plus to it but has socio-economic benefits”. 
He emphasised that cyber bullying has become a prevalent issue, causing emotional distress and even leading to tragic consequences.
These safeguards, he noted are very essential considering the fact that about 49.4% of our population are between the ages of 0-17, and that the internet penetration stood at 113%. “It means every individual that uses the internet at least have more than one phone and they are using the mobile to use the internet to call even without internet. One can use call to traffic someone or to harm them; so I think the importance cannot be over emphasised”.  
He argued that the policy alone is not enough that they have to work hand in gloves with stakeholders to ensure that it is captured in the law.
He appealed to the service providers to help facilitate the GSM providers, who provide internet so that their services are secure for children and vulnerable groups.