Lands Minister Seeks Collaboration with Local Government Authorities

By Amie Choi

The Honorable Minister of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs last week paid a courtesy calls on  the Kanifing Municipal Council and Banjul City Council. These consultative meetings aim at fostering collaboration and strengthening communication between the Ministry and its satellite institutions. 
Alongside the mayors, the meetings brought together religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth representatives, councilors, directors, senior management teams, nominated members and commissioners. 
Speaking to the meeting, Hon. Hamat NK Bah explained the importance of establishing a strong collaboration, communication and consultation between the Ministry and the councils, recognising that councils have a key role to play in development as they are the grassroots. 
He urged for the respect of their mandate noting that they are elected by their people and government should respect that. He advised them to work closely with government as it will be difficult for them to function without central government. 
 “You cannot function effectively in the absence of central government; we will do the job but in doing so we will have to respect the mandate of the elected. There are various parties and all should be working towards the supreme interest of the common good,” Minister Bah said. 
The Minister also dilated on the need to protect our lands and establish good policies to prevent land crises, warning that the World Bank has predicted that the next crisis of The Gambia will be a land crisis. He stressed that there are already existing laws and anybody found wanting of any land offence will face the law. 
The minister further assured the Kanifing Municipal Council of the Ministry’s support for the upcoming NAYCONF. We will support the upcoming NAYCONF. We will make sure that the flag will be raised higher”.
The Lord Mayor of Kanifing Municipality, Talib Ahmed Bensouda noted that there has been no smooth relationship between the government and the municipality. He emphasised that the municipality discouraged party politics in the chamber and that they intend to leave a legacy behind but cannot be achieved without collaborations. 
In Banjul, the Lord Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe informed the Minister that Banjul has a very stable political environment but faces lot of challenges which include land problems. 
Both mayors reiterated the need to work closely with the central government and expressed gratitude for the visit. They also conveyed confidence in the Minister’s leadership. 
Participants voiced out their concerns and engaged in constructive discussions with the Ministry.