GFD appoints new Executive Director

By Fatou I Touray


The Gambia Federation of the Disabled (GFD) wishes to inform all its partners that Mr Modou A F Bahoum has been duly appointed as Executive Director (ED) of the federation.

Mr Bahoum whose appointment will be effective on 1st December 2019 replaces Rod Howes - a British national who has been acting as ED on voluntary basis, due to lack of funds to hire full time services of an ED.

The new GFD Constitution requires the ED to be a person with disabilities, which is why Mr Bahoum is hired, from a list of 6 candidates that applied for the ED position. From 1st December 2019 Mr Howes shall not receive or send emails as GFD Executive Director.

The hiring of the ED is made possible through funding from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which is why the GFD is informing its partners about the appointment of an ED. Therefore, with effect from 1st December 2019 Mr Bahoum shall be the Federation’s ED, and all correspondents shall be directed to him (Mr Bahoum).

The decision to hire the services of Mr Bahoum was reached following the interview of five out six applicants that turn up for the interview of candidates for the ED position. Applicants were drawn from various Disabled Peoples’ Organisations (DPOs) in The Gambia, in line with the new GFD Constitution which requires a person with disabilities to be appointed as ED. The interviews took place on Friday, 9th November 2019 at the GFD Secretariat in Kanifing.

Mr Bahoum has been a long-standing Executive Member of the National Union of Disabled Youth (NUDY), which is an affiliate body of the GFD.

The GFD ED is responsible for the administrative, management and coordination of the secretariat, among related functions.

GFD is the umbrella organisation representing the disability sector and brings together all Disabled Peoples Organisation (DPOs) in The Gambia, which formed GFD in the early 1990s.

The purpose of forming GFD was to advocate for the promotion, protection and empowerment of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and encourage, support and monitor activities done by the stakeholders in the disability sector that improve the living conditions of the disabled. Its membership currently totals to 14 DPOs.

GFD has over the past years undergone restructuring and development planning process. The federation earlier this year held a congress, supported by the UNDP, following dissolution of the former board. Magistrate Muhammed Krubally served as acting GFD Chairman after the dissolution of the former board, until he was unanimously elected unopposed during the last congress, making him the current Chairman of GFD.


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Muhammed Krubally,

GFD Chairman,

Contact: +220 77 393 29