Gender Ministry Commits to Integrated Gov’t-CSO Approach to Upscale Anti-FGM/C Campaign 

By Alhagie Babou Jallow

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare has said that even though the debate as to whether to maintain or lift ban on Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting has ended, following the rejection of the Women’s Amendment Bill by parliament,  the popularisation and enforcement of the Women’s Act 2015 will continue. It further announced that social mobilisation on the health, and reproductive health consequences of FGM/C and its human rights violations will also continue through the integrated Government and Civil Society Organisation Network.
The National Assembly, on 15th July 2024 rejected the Women’s (Amendment) Bill 2024 with its associated clauses.
Back in September 2023, the Private Member Bill by the National Assembly Member for Foni Kansala, Almamo Gibba introduced the repeal of the Women’s Amendment Act 2015, proposing the lifting of the ban on FGM /C in The Gambia. 
This caused a huge heated debate among Islamic leaders and anti-FGM activists. Following a wider consultation by the National Assembly Select Committee on Health and Gender seeking expert opinion from MDAs, CSO coalition, and other stakeholders, the Committee presented its report to the National Assembly, recommending against the lifting of the ban. 
The rejection by the Assembly followed the second reading of the Bill by Hon. Almamo Gibba. After all clauses were voted down during the consideration stage, the Speaker ruled that the Women’s (Amendment) Bill “is hereby deemed rejected.”
The speaker further justified this ruling by stating that “the Assembly cannot be engaged in such a futile exercise, as to allow the Bill to proceed to Third Reading without its clauses.”
The session was graced by Hon. Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare, Hon. Fatou Kinteh, and her staff, with other cabinet ministers, senior government officials, the Chairperson of the National Women’s Council, and members of the Council, CSOs, girls, and women from across the country.
The Assembly’s decision has finally drawn the curtains on the long-standing debate across all sectors of society on the fate of the Bill. The Ministry is proud to associate itself with the Government Policy to uphold the law on FGM/C thus criminalising the Act. 
Minister Kinteh expressed her sincere gratitude to the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow for the unwavering support accorded to the Ministry during those difficult times, and his commitment to the promotion of the welfare of women and girls. She also expressed gratitude to all stakeholders; from development partners to CSOs, who made tremendous efforts to see the bill rejected.