Gambia’s Pledges on Statelessness, Integration of Refugees Revisited

The Gambia Commission on Refugees, under the Ministry of Interior, has recently convened a three-day stakeholder forum to review the pledges The Gambia made during last year’s Global Refugee Forum in Geneva on the protection of refugees, statelessness and legal reform. The outcome of the meeting is to be presented in the next Global Refugee Forum in Geneva in October 24th - 28th 2024.

Mr. Abhram K. Mendy, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Interior, deputising for Minister at the stakeholders’ meeting, said, the country stands at a critical juncture in its collective efforts to address the pressing issues of refugees and stateless persons. He however reaffirmed The Gambia's unwavering commitment to these humanitarian causes.

Ebrima Manneh, Head of the Gambia Commission on Refugees, affirmed that the convergence was meant to review progress of the pledges that The Gambia has made concerning statelessness and the integration of refugees, as well as the gaps and challenges.

He said the occasion also afforded them the opportunity to reaffirm and strengthen the commitment of the government, international organizations, and local stakeholders in addressing issues of statelessness and the integration of refugees, including renewing pledges or making new ones.

Manneh emphasised the importance of fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organisations, international bodies (like the UNHCR), and the affected communities themselves.

Omar T Camara, who chaired the event, had this to say: “The Gambia has a proud history of offering refuge and protection to those who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of displacement. Our nation has also taken significant steps in addressing the issue of statelessness, recognizing that the right to a nationality is a fundamental human right that must be upheld for every individual”.

He described the occasion as a critical step in the ongoing efforts to implement the pledges made by The Gambia at various international forums, including the Global Refugee Forum and the High-Level Segment on Statelessness. “These pledges reflect our commitment to enhancing the legal and policy frameworks that protect the rights of refugees and stateless persons, ensuring their access to basic services, and facilitating their integration into our society,” he stated.

Mr Camara further advised: “As we move forward, let us remember that the issues of statelessness and refugee integration are not just legal or administrative challenges—they are deeply human issues that require compassion, understanding, and a strong sense of solidarity. We must work together to ensure that no one is left behind, and that every person in The Gambia can live with dignity and security.

Mr. Alieu Jallow, curator and interstate agency, who deputised for the Minister of Justice, made reference to the International Convention on Refugees and its 1967 protocol, as well as the African Union Convention of Refugees 1969 as fundamental documents that apply the rights of refugees and the legal obligations of states to protect refugees, as global displacement continues to rise. “It is imperative that The Gambia aligns its legal structures and instruments with international standards to protect and support refugees as well as asylum seekers”.

He reminded that The Gambia has ratified the Geneva Convention on refugees, and that it is working on domesticating the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and protection and assistance.

Jallow assured that the Ministry, through the Gambia Commission for Refugees, will conduct comprehensive survey and registration to accurately identify and document all refugees and stateless persons in the country.



By Sarjo M Camara

  • The Ministry of Interior heads TWG on Return & Reintegration