GAF Trains Media Personnel on Matters of National Security

By Fatou Sowe


The Gambia Armed Forces recently commenced a two-day interface with media persons aimed at enhancing the role of media in reporting issues relating to national security with the theme “The Delicate balance between sharing information and sustainable peace and security in Democratic setting,  Prospects and challenges”. The event funded by the Center for Research and Policy Development (CRPD) was held at the Joint Officers ‘Mess in Kotu.

This initiative was conceived by the Gambia Armed Forces in consultation with the Ministry of Defence to further cement the already existing cordial relationship and to promote a smooth working environment with the media.

The Minister of Defence , Hon.Sering Modou Njie said that  Members of the media and the military personnels   should see themselves as members of a profession guided by a particular set of value and professional ethics.

 He however noted that the relationship between these two institutions can sometimes be unstable and fragile, but the strength of the relationship rest on the collective professional of discipline to reinforce norms that align both institutions with the public interest.

Minister Njie thanked the leadership of GAF for their commitment to strengthening of a friendly Media-Military relationship. He said this while elaborating on the professional nature of both the soldier and journalist.

DCDS Major General Mamat O. Cham, registered appreciation and thanked the media for attending and partaking in this important event and also thanked Sait Matty and his team at the CRPD for their support, contribution and efforts in making the event a possibility.

He went on to explained that the Army High Command feels that in other to move the agenda of the country forward, there is a need for constructive engagement in communication between the Armed Forces and the  media fraternity .

Mr Sait Matty Jaw  of CRPD , said the center was established in 2018 as part of efforts to transform the Gambia into a new democratic dispensation as well as to build relations between institutions particularly the Armed Forces as it will go a long way in strengthening our democracy .

The President Gambia Press Union (GPU) , Mr Momodou S Bah expressed appreciation and thanked GAF for the foresight and thanked the Center for Research and Policy Development for the support.

He highlighted that the initiative is in-line with the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia section 187, which states that it shall be the aim of the Government and the Armed Forces to maintain harmony and to foster understanding between the civil population and the Armed Forces.

“The Media plays a significant role in educating the masses and creates awareness of the role of the public institutions in National Security.” Bah noted.

At the end of the event, it is expected that participants will be equipped with the requisite knowledge and understanding of National Security, Internal Security, Architecture, Organizational Structure of GAF and key terms, Rank Structure, Ethical Reporting and National Security needs, role of Media in promoting National Security, Combating Fake news information Sharing and Security and Social Media challenges among others.