Fisheries Ministry to Implement 2nd Phase of 110 Water Boreholes Project

By Lamin Kujabi

The Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, through  the minister’s deliberation at the President’s Delivery Forum, has informed that it is currently implementing a climate-smart water project which requires the construction of 110 water boreholes and that 55 have already been constructed through funding from African Development Bank (ADB). 
Minister Drammeh led his technical team to the periodic Delivery Forum at State House to brief President Adama Barrow and his executive about the ministry’s activities and action plan.
Drammeh told the press after the presentation that he and team had a good meeting with the President and confirmed that this was the first time the President was briefed about the projects and activities of the ministry. 
He said they had also informed the President about some of the challenges they face at the ministry; in terms of procurement, access to funding, and project implementation.
Further on the borehole project, the Fisheries minister disclosed that the ADB team will be in the country in September 2024 and that it is their hope that they will be able to secure another fund for the second phase of the project. 
He revealed that they also have fisheries project - ACP fish project - which will funded by and jointly implemented with the Food Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
“The project also involves supporting women in oyster harvesting. Women will be trained on oyster processing, preservation and packaging,” he stated.
Minister Drammeh also disclosed that the government,  through his Ministry, has constructed 20 fishing boats currently at Tanji awaiting the handing over to his ministry. “These fishing boats will be given to communities and youths, including ‘back-way’ returnees, to encourage them to stay in the country and live meaningfully”.
He explained that the idea to construct fishing boats came through a group of youths – ‘back way’ returnees - from Kombo South who came to his office and expressed interest in fishing.
Commenting on the President’s reaction to their presentation, the Fisheries minister said he was “quite happy” about the implementation but advised  them to improve on the implementation process. 
The Ministry’s delivery was attended by the Vice President Mohammed BS. Jallow; the Minister of Public Service; Secretary General and Head of Civil Service; Permanent Secretary; Director of Water Resources, and Director of Fisheries.