Empowering Women in STEM Crucial for Fostering Innovation and Diversity - Energy Minister

By Anna Marie Valentine

The Minister of Petroleum and Energy has said that empowering and encouraging women to pursue careers in STEM fields is crucial for fostering innovation and diversity.
Hon. Nani Juwara made this statement during the opening of the NAWEC Gender Committee Mentorship Day, organised by NAWEC through the support of the World Bank. 
The mentorship day aimed to inspire and promote female involvement in the STEM field. 
“Empowering women in STEM can be done by adopting strategies like early exposure. Introducing girls to STEM concepts and activities at an early age is crucial by incorporating hands-on STEM activities into primary school curricula and programmes. We should encourage and engage girls’ curiosity and nurture their confidence in pursuing STEM interests when exposed at an early age,” he stated. 
Mr Juwara also underscored the need for a supportive environment. This, he noted, include challenging gender biases in classrooms, and workplaces and providing opportunities to interact with female role models and mentors. “Equally fostering a culture of collaboration and equal opportunity within educational settings is paramount in increasing female participation in STEM,” he added. 
Emphasising the role of the Government, the Energy minister assured that The Gambia Government takes gender issues seriously, and that promoting gender equity in workplaces is a policy priority. “We understand that promoting women in STEM could bolster technological growth, scientific innovation, and socio-economic development,” he added. 
He said it is pertinent to remember that women throughout history have made enormous contributions to the advancement of science and technology. 
“However, we still have fewer women in leadership roles. Therefore, I implore NAWEC to continue their commitment in maintaining gender inclusion and upholding the rights of women and men in an equitable corporate environment”,  Mr Juwara stressed.