Confab: Veterans Counsel Sports Journalists to be Proactive, Overlook Biases

By Kumba Leigh

Following the recent election of its new executive committee, the Sports Journalists Association of The Gambia (SJAG) on Saturday, 14th September 2024, organised a forum to discuss the future and actions necessary for the betterment of the association and to enhance effective sports reporting in The Gambia.
At the opening ceremony of the event, the President of Sports Journalists Association of The Gambia, Omar Jarju, recognised the role of sports journalists in the promotion of sports development.
Mr Jarju stressed the importance of collaboration and alignments of goals between the new executive and its members to ensure effective leadership, in identifying gaps in governance, and strengthening membership base for effective   participation.
He said the gathering availed members the opportunity to give feedback and insights to help shape the executive’s work plan for better service delivery.
For his part, Mr Doudo Bojang,  a veteran sports journalist, emphasised the significance of active membership participation in enhancing growth of any association..
He encouraged them to not relent in their efforts to holding the executive accountable while ensuring transparency. He however admonished members to hold the association at heart and participate meaningfully.
Mr Bojang argued that hardly you see intensive sports reporting stories, stressing that journalistic work requires gathering and presenting facts. “Journalists are not asking the questions in the sporting world, what is the problem? He quierried
Bisenty Gomez, renowned supporter of Gambian sports, said sports journalists should always be conscious of biases in their reporting.
He asked them to familiarise themselves with sports related documents like the Sports Council Act, AIPS Constitution, and others relating to volley ball, tennis amongst others.
Mr Gomez also encouraged them to constantly report on sports statistics and not to lose sight of reporting accurate and factual information to the public.
Isatou Keita, Vice President, Gambia Press Union, also urged sports journalists to revisit and recommit themselves  to their responsibilities.