Coastal Road Overpass is 95% Complete - Resident Engineer

By Lamin Njie

As The Gambia prepares to host the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit, in December 2023, road construction works have been in high gear. The most prominent among the roads under construction is the Coastal Road/ Bertil Harding Highway, which features overpass bridges. Work on the overpass at the Coastal Road junction is reported to have been  95% percent complete.

This was revealed to medium in an interview with Elsafi Elfadul Elfaki, resident Engineer for Saud Consult, Gamtech JV,  at the construction site of the overpass bridge. Mr Elsafi Elfadul Elfaki affirmed that they are doing the final touches and is optimistic that it will be ready on time.

He assured that the road will have street lights, drainage, and all the other road features in place, and that his company are determined to finish the project on time.

The Resident Engineer took the opportunity to call on drivers to observe the speed limit of 60km per hour on the new road in order to avoid accidents. 

He also called on government and relevant authorities to look into the issue of animals roaming along the new road for the safety of motorists and other road users.

“I think these animals need to be put in a fence somewhere safe and not to be allowed on this highway,” he advised.

Mr. Ndenneh Nying, from Arezki Company, also called on the public, especially vendors around the overpass to stop throwing garbage under the bridge.