China’s Communist Party Top Official Visits Gambia 

By Fatoumatta L Sisay

The Director General of Bureau IV (African Affairs) of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Wang Heming, accompanied by a delegation, is on a working visit to The Gambia.
As part of this visit, Mr Heming met with the Permanent Secretary (PS) I of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, Ambassador Lang Yabou at his office in Banjul. Ambassador Yabou welcomed the delegation to The Gambia and extended His Excellency Dr. Mamadou Tagara’s warm greetings to Mr. Heming and his team. He also stated: “The Gambia and the People’s Republic of China continue to build people-to-people ties with The Gambia hosting Chinese nationals and businesses that contribute to employment, skills transfer and domestic revenue mobilisation.” He  thanked the Chinese Government for their support to The Gambia during the planning of the 15th Heads of State Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) held in Banjul. He also noted that the strength of the bilateral ties between The Gambia and China was further demonstrated through the participation of the Chinese side in the Summit with a high representation led by H.E. Zheng Jianbang, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress, Standing Committee representing His Excellency President Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China.  
He continued by adding that the visit by Director Wang further solidifies the relationship between The Gambia and China which is based on mutual trust through political dialogue, win-win benefits through economic cooperation and social connections between the peoples of The Gambia and China.
Ambassador Yabou reiterated The Gambia’s commitment to the One-China Policy and said the two countries will continue to nurture a partnership built on mutual trust and understanding. He acknowledged China’s leadership and support to members of the Global South and thanked the Government and People of China for their support and partnership with The Gambia. 
On his side, Mr. Heming, Director General, International Department, Communist Party of China thanked Ambassador Yabou for the warm hospitality accorded him and the members of his delegation. He extended greetings from his Foreign Minister His Excellency Wang Yi to Hon. Minister Tangara.  
He congratulated The Gambia on assuming the mandate of Chair of OIC and expressed his hope that the China-OIC relationship will be further strengthened. He thanked The Gambia for the support rendered to China in the multilateral platforms and, indicated his appreciation of the deepening bilateral relations between the two countries anchored on mutual trust and shared benefits for the governments and peoples of China and The Gambia.  Director General Heming further appreciated the significant increase over the years of the bilateral trade between The Gambia and China.  
Finally, Ambassador Yabou wished Director Wang a successful stay in The Gambia and wished the Government and People of China the best as they prepare to host the Forum on China–Africa Cooperation Summit which The Gambia will fully participate in.