ChildFund Launches 5-Year Strategic Plan

By Awa DK. Conteh


ChildFund The Gambia last week launched a five-year strategic plan outlining the organisation’s project and programme plans for children of The Gambia. The Strategic Plan (CSP 2022-2026) was launched by the Vice President of The Gambia, Badara Joof at the Sir Dawda Jawara Conference Centre.

Speaking at the event, the Vice President recognised  that ChildFund has always been partnering with the government in providing continuous support for many sectors. He assured that the government appreciates their efforts and will continue the partnership.

He further acknowledged that the organisation has been providing medical equipment and consumables to the Ministry of Health “and I’m reliably informed they only bring items that are requested by the central medical store’’. This development, the Vice President said, has brought confidence in the medical and health services nationally for high quality health care, which is at a minimal cost not only for The Gambia, but also for people in the sub-region

The chairperson of the advisory board, Musu Kuta Komma said ChildFund started operations in The Gambia in 1984 in the West Coast Region, where most of the population live below the poverty line. “Currently, ChildFund is in 146 communities in the West Coast Region, Lower River Region, North Bank Region, and the Central River Region through registered local community based organisations, including Lake Development Committees, together with the committee-based organizations”.

She went on to highlight that the organization implements programmes in health, nutrition, early childhood development, education youth resilience building and child protection, targeting children from zero to 24 years old, with more attention on those living in deprived areas, and poor households.